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June 2, 2006

Designer Notes

Welome to Michael's Consulting!!! This is THE disability awareness and public speaking website, available at your fingertips!!! History: I started Michael's Consulting in November 2003 after two years of public speaking and advocacy. I was motivated and inspired by the difference I could make in teaching others about my disability, Asperger Syndrome, what kinds of disabilities there are, how we are all "abled" and how we can all work together to increase awareness break down stigma, and challenge the status quo. I received a $1,500 grant for a laptop computer and software, obtained a cell phone, and wrote my stump speech in 1 hour. In my speech, I tell of my struggles, how I overcame them and how we can ALL make a difference in the lives of persons with disabilities. I came up with the name, "Michael's Consulting" because of the devout Catholic Christian faith that has sustained me and seen me through the hard times. I named the business after St. Michael, the Archangel. He is my patron saint and a real hero of mine. St. Michael fought the battle in heaven to defeat the work and temptation of Satan. I say a prayer to him everyday and feel him guiding my decisions. However, I give all the glory to Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who alone makes all of us whole!

Design Comments

05 Jan 2007 09:43am PST


Comments 1


27 May 2010 13:12pm PDT


Comments 2

Wierd. Too simple for me, sorry. (and not to be offensive, from MY point of view, kind of ugly)

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