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City in Paint


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April 5, 2006

Designer Notes

Nice Design with stretching horizontal border. Also incorporates a great javascript free thumbnail enlarger. xHTML and CSS.

Design Comments

05 Apr 2006 11:03am PDT


Comments 8

Great work! I like how you faded the water into the design.

05 Apr 2006 11:18am PDT


Comments 6

Thanks Frank.

The water was just a finishing touch.

I have been wanting to make a design for a while that can repeated horizontally without being (very) visable. A bit of photoshop blurring et al.

Anyways keep up the top job with the site. Everyone appreciates it - designers get backlinks, noobs get a place to learn and visitors gets free templates.


08 Apr 2006 16:46pm PDT


Comments 5

Great looking clean site, I like the navigation floating pass the header area.

How come the hover example works in IE in your own site, and not on this template?

09 Apr 2006 04:18am PDT


Comments 6

If you mean the thumbnail enlarged - then I am not sure.

To be honest I haven't got it working in IE to my knowledge (btw it is possible but I gave up after an hour or too of fiddling).

Perhaps someone can get it to do the business and I will plonk a credit on the template.


23 Apr 2006 03:54am PDT


Comments 2

How come the hover example works in IE in your own site, and not on this template?
Just put into stylesheet.css the following IE-Hack, relax, and have fun ;-)

/* =Internet Explorer Hacks

* html .hoverbox a
position: relative;

* html .hoverbox a:hover
font-size: 99.99%;
z-index: 1;

* html .hoverbox a:hover .preview
top: -38px;
left: -50px;

* html .hoverbox li
position: static;

25 Apr 2006 08:45am PDT


Comments 6

Thanks ReieMeieR for sorting that out.

I'll get it updated.


06 May 2006 09:24am PDT


Comments 2

Neat Page!

17 May 2006 07:23am PDT


Comments 3

the photo is awesome!

18 Jan 2007 13:40pm PST


Comments 1


I loved this design. So I decided to port it into a Blogger template. You can take a look at it, at

It would be nice to know if there are any license limitations with respect to how I can distribute the template.

29 Jan 2007 07:12am PST


Comments 6


You can do whatever you like with the template. You can credit yourself for the port to blogger but a link back to me would be nice but not essential.

Best regards

09 Feb 2007 16:07pm PST


Comments 2

like the look and feel of this design, but when viewed full-screen on my monitor (running on a 20" widescreen, 1680px across in my resolution) you get very interesting results. All of the lower content actually gets thrown to the upper right of the browser window... if you like I can send you a screen capture but let's just say it isn't quite visually appealing, hehe.

Other than that issue, very nice work :)

10 Jun 2007 09:13am PDT


Comments 1

Great design, but it breaks on 1920x1200 resolutions. The menu and context all shift way to the right and to the top.

13 Jul 2007 15:16pm PDT


Comments 1

Is their a way a complete moron like me could use this page instead of the templates dot5 lets me choose from? I am a building contractor & like the city look.
I want to put pics of the houses on the front page.

I want to have an about us page with contact us on it.

Nothing complicated but I don't understand when I download what winrar is :(

07 Aug 2007 11:54am PDT


Comments 1

Hi Cal,

As a newbie to CMS (I have worked in standard web software for years Dreamweaver/FP etc)I would like to know if I could replace your city photo. I am using Drupal for my school's new website and have searched through literally thousands of themes and this one is truly the best! I am very experienced in PhotoShop. If I were to take a wide angle or fisheye pix of my high school and fade the bottom out to navy, how difficult is it to change the image and leave everything else as long as the photo was sized to match yours? Thanks for taking the time to answer.

27 Feb 2008 19:15pm PST


Comments 1

I Live in Chicago, IL USA. This is just what I was looking for. Great color and flexible content!

30 Mar 2008 18:49pm PDT


Comments 2

you can fix the issue with positioning for high resolutions if you make sure that the addition of the number of pixels in the #head and #content specifications in the stylesheet add up to a number larger than the horizontal resolution you are trying to support. The easiest is to increase the #content pixel number(i changed it from 840 to 900px ). There may be a more elegant solution, but this worked for me.... Thanks for the great template

30 Mar 2008 18:53pm PDT


Comments 2

one other thing. You can fix the hoverbox functionality, by downloading the latest hoverbox code at:

the new version has an ie_fixes.css, which appears to resolve the issue with overlapping thumbnails.

23 Sep 2008 06:26am PDT


Comments 1

Hi there,
Nice work dude. You did the main thing (the idea) the rest is detail... ;)

27 Nov 2009 08:39am PST


Comments 15

I have a 1680x1050 screen and if you stretch the window all the way, the side bar becomes two, one just past the 'City in Paint' title with nav and below, with content to its right and one where it already was with above nav stuff.

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