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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
- seomoz.org is running a long, but great article on how you can optimize your site for search engines. skettino
- If you're not already using them, here are 10 Good Reasons to Use Web Standards. skettino
- Tutorial on how to create worn text using just CSS. I'm definitely adding this to my bookmarks. skettino
- seomoz.org is running a long, but great article on how you can optimize your site for search engines. skettino
- If you're not already using them, here are 10 Good Reasons to Use Web Standards. skettino
- Well, you could either buy a used car, or the Adobe Web Bundle. skettino
Thursday, December 8, 2005
- Don't forget your roots. Flash back to the early days of Mac. skettino
- A collection of XHTML/CSS wireframes. A good starting point for an OSWD design... skettino
- Edit in Place. JS/CSS trickery that would probably work well on a user profile page. skettino
- Floating problems? Ground yourself with the Floatutorial. skettino
- Cross browser CSS transparencies. pickledsword
Friday, December 9, 2005
- Top Ten Mistakes in Web Design. Words of wisdom from Jake. skettino
- If you weren't already using it, stock.xchng is the best place for free stock photography. skettino
- Colour Lovers is an excellent site for color schemes. skettino
- XHTML/CSS skeletons to get you started at Little Boxes. oeb
Monday, December 12, 2005
- Simple, accessible external links using the CSS image replacement technique. skettino
- CSS Tips and Tricks. All the good stuff like rounded corners and tableless forms. skettino
- A lengthy but good introduction to the world of AJAX, offered by IBM. skettino
- John Digweed's Transitions Podcast. The perfect example of evolving with technology to stay on top of your game. skettino
- Jakob Nielson's Top 10 Web Design Mistakes for 2005. skettino
- The Best Web 2.0 Software for 2005. Looks like 37signals is not the only game in town. skettino
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
- 26 steps to building a successful website. In short: give up your social life. skettino
- Centered tabs with CSS. skettino
- Yahoo buys del.icio.us...or is it deli.cio.us or de.licio.us or...whatever. skettino
- The differences between Transitional and Strict markup. skettino
- Color Schemer. I just really like their new design. skettino
- Some predictions on what the web will be like in 2006. Personally, I like AigBag's account more. skettino
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
- CSS for bar graphs. Will it also fill out my TPS reports? skettino
- Try not to use tables. But when you have to, at least make them look nice. skettino
- A long but good essay about Web 2.0 by Paul Graham. skettino
- How to create a simple RSS feed for your site. skettino
- A ridiculously large collection of free fonts. skettino
Saturday, December 17, 2005
- Ready made navigation bars made by Exploding Boy. Infinitely useful. skettino
- Understanding how our eyes process web sites. skettino
- Positioning elements using z-index. skettino
- Typetester. Compare how fonts look on the web. This may be the most amazing webapp for designers that I have ever seen. skettino
- Image sizing using EMs. Increase the font-size in your browser to see the image scale up and down. Pretty good stuff. skettino
- "No one actually knows they're going to be successful when they start a project." True story. skettino
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
- Background Image Maker. The 4th site on the internet written in Rails that's actually worth using! skettino